Qual a diferença entre testes manuais, testes automatizados e crowdtesting? by Anderson Sales

Nem sempre é evidente quais as acções que contribuem para uma falha no teste; também pode não ser claro quais os aspectos da aplicação que são culpados. O gestor do projecto deve atribuir sabiamente estes papéis de teste, reservando-os para membros mais criativos e intuitivos da equipa, se necessário. Os provadores passam então à verificação […]

7 Ways on How to Stay Sober

One of the biggest perks about sobriety is being able to think ahead, long-term. This is in stark contrast to alcohol and addiction in general which foster short-term rewards. So, use your sober brain to think about the long-term consequences to your short-term reward and recognize what it would do to your life. Your loved […]

What Is Natural Language Understanding NLU?

What is Natural Language Understanding NLU? NLP can also scan patient documents to identify patients who would be best suited for certain clinical trials. With the Internet of Things and other advanced technologies compiling more data than ever, some data sets are simply too overwhelming for humans to comb through. Natural language processing can quickly […]